Hello, we've moved - Links to where we are now

After a server change earlier this year, I have actually attached Celtic Ways.com to a redundant blog site of mine, but will get some better heading art here soon.

Meanwhile ...

... this is a hub page to get you to what we do here from Carrowcrory, Co.Sligo in Ireland

Carrowcrory Cottage & Labyrinth Gardens

We host Sunday Sessions here in our Labyrinth Gardens on a catalogue of topics including Ogham, Sidhe, Aislings, Green Men, Sheela na gigs, Holy Wells, Serpent folklore, Harpers and Bards folklore, Fairy Lore, Apple and Avalon folklore, Sensing Herbs, and other subjects, including Labyrinth Walking, of course.

Claire Roche, Songs, Stories, and Harps

Claire performs here at Carrowcrory Cottage and other venues. From this site you can catch up on her events, recordings and live performance videos.

Woodland Bard

That's me, John Willmott, who became nicknamed Woodland Bard by the attendees of Bards In The Woods. Here you will find my books, other media, and blog posts of tales.

Us And Trees, What Can We Do?

This year, 2019, the conversation of visitors to Carrowcrory has been concerns for the rapid increasing pollution of our earth, and anxiety about all of the huge forests burning. Us And Trees is a live presentation, hub site, and eventually courses of what you can do easily locally, ideas that should spread for the better.

Tree Labyrinths & Sanctuaries

A hub extension to 'Us And Trees, What Can We Do' for people who wish to create Tree Labyrinths or Tree Sanctuaries in their garden, community land, or farm, or maybe would like some visitors or help.

Bards In The Woods

After six years hosting this, no time for this now, except for retreat groups that book near here. This will be updated this winter to serve as an archive and tribute to the wonderful talent who joined us.

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