The Other Burren
Most visitors to Ireland include "The Burren", Co. Clare, on their list of places to go due to due to its unique moonlike limestone surface that glows white in the sun. Try walking over this landscape !!!! Burren is actually quite a common name around Ireland as it simply means "rocky place". During Friday and Saturday last week I visited our own local wonder called "The Burren" on the west of Co. Cavan and symbolically on the North and Republic border near the small border town of Blacklion, about 45 mins drive from Sligo and, surprisingly, about 80 mins from Keash where I live. I am surprised this Burren is not on everyone's "must do" list of things to do in Ireland, especially as its main feature is the spring that is the source of The Shannon. That alone is a beautiful and quite spiritually awaking place. I was inspired to go there through the incredible photos of Mike Bunn, who's past work has mainly been with fashion models and rock