Our Equinox 2014
Its the last day of September so I had better post what happened during our Equinox Events over the weekend of 20th and 21st September. Not all of these pics in this post are mine, like the beautiful one above, so I will look up who they are linked to shortly and let you know. Claire Roche and I performed together at Spirit Of Folk at Noon on the Saturday then in the smoking area, of all places, in the Fincourt Hotel that evening. Claire had to be home that evening so on the Sunday I guided a Poetree Walk at 10 am in Loughcrew Gardens and at 2 pm at Mullaghdreen Forest about 5 km away from Loughcrew. Ok, here is how it all went Spirit Of Folk, I arrived about 11:40 am and was to perform at Noon, ouch !!! Claire was going to be late due to some personal affairs she had to attend to. Arrived through the 'trades peoples' entrance but security folks were not helpful or informative so I gatecrashed everything and everyone to be able to get to performance on time.