Celtic Dreamtime Samhain 2009
This passing of celtic year with Celtic Ways and Claire Roche First, these images on the right were taken at Loughcrew Cairn T during Solar Samhain Sunrise 5 years ago Usually we have a wonderful traditional Halloween and Samhain gathering in Co. Sligo, but as much as we have tried its not going to happen is such a public way as during other years. A lot of this is due to larger event in Dublin on November 7 th , the Cross Quarter Solar Samhain Day, and more about this later. The rain of the past two days has waterlogged our labyrinth garden, so that may well not be in use for October 31 st , though the forecast for all of Ireland is for a lovely day and evening then, as well as a turning point from this very warm weather lately to traditional cooler days. Our Thatch Cottage is lovely and cosy though, with the traditional living room remaining a contemplation sanctuary. Cross the veil into a Celtic Dreamtime Pass Next Saturday, November 7 th , cross quarter day and Solar Samhain Day, w