December News - USA Tour, Ireland Retreats
Hello everyone We hope you are having a joyful December, fun packed and not stressful. John here, writing, and I have been lazy with Yule and Christmas preparations myself. I think I am already celebrating the longer days before they are even happening. Here's why ... USA Tour, March 30th until April 20th 2015 The format for concerts will be Claire performing her beautiful songs for about two thirds, or three quarters, depending on the venue type, and the rest will be both of us together with excerpts from Ogma's Tale of The Trees and Bathing In The Fae's Breath. I may add fireside 19 concerts and workshops in CA, OR, WA, ID and NV 8 house concerts 2 community hall concerts 1 retreat center 1 hotel 1 wholefood and live food cafe 1 church, a big concert 3 venues unknown yet 2 day workshops and we are still ooking for host an venue within 50 miles of Monterey on Tuesday March 31st also for Reno NV on Thursday April 16th. Does anyone h