Celtic Dreamtime Samhain 2009

LoughcrewsunriseThis passing of celtic year with Celtic Ways and Claire Roche

First, these images on the right were taken at Loughcrew Cairn T during Solar Samhain Sunrise 5 years ago

Usually we have a wonderful traditional Halloween and Samhain gathering in Co. Sligo, but as much as we have tried its not going to happen is such a public way as during other years.

A lot of this is due to larger event in Dublin on November 7th, the Cross Quarter Solar Samhain Day, and more about this later.

The rain of the past two days has waterlogged our labyrinth garden, so that may well not be in use for October 31st, though the forecast for all of Ireland is for a lovely day and evening then, as well as a turning point from this very warm weather lately to traditional cooler days.

Our Thatch Cottage is lovely and cosy though, with the traditional living room remaining a contemplation sanctuary.

Loughcrew3Cross the veil into a Celtic Dreamtime Pass

Next Saturday, November 7th, cross quarter day and Solar Samhain Day, will truly be a passing into a new year for Claire Roche and myself.

Claire is presenting an Open Day of her new Woodford Sanctuary which were once stables where Claire ran a livery service during her younger years. This Open Day starts at lunch time and also features an evening concert of the Singing Harps, which is Claire and Madeleine Doherty.

Details are here and

you can book online here

On November 7th Claire and I will also launch our new Celtic Dreamtime Pass that provides members with an extensive package of monthly free music and other audio downloads, publications and discounted services when you come to join us in Ireland and use our retreats and services in Co. Sligo and Dublin. The idea is for our friends to enjoy and experience Celtic Dreamtime while they budget and plan their first or next visit to Ireland.

The Celtic Dreamtime Pass will be an inexpensive yet inspiring, passionate and loving way to be in sacred and dreamtime Ireland while you are unable to be on its soils, though I am sure we will have Irish people in Ireland join us too.

Enjoying the traditions of Samhain and Halloween

Allow me to link to past blog articles on this wonderful time that are so current to now.

A Ceremony For Samhain

an articles largely about apples and labyrinth at Samhain

Christian Halloween Fears

This was a popular read when first published it with several Christian folks telling me how it made them feel much more at ease during this time.

Before Trick Or Treat

Here I introduce some ancient traditions of Samhain and Halloween and how they evolved into the “trick or treat” custom that most of us are now familiar with.

Kindling The Celtic Spirit

Some more ideas of things to do and create during Halloween and Samhain.

Flame Of Tlachtga

An insight into the remarkable Samhain legend of Tlachtga, the forgotten goddess of ancient Ireland.


More detailed info on the “forgotten goddess.

Haunted Ireland

Just as the title says.

Dear Ancestor

My first ever blog post, 5 years ago, based on a delightful anonymous poem.


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