Finding Your Celtic Story : The Journey

Book coverHere’s the layout of my latest book

Finding Your Celtic Story
from the land and its ancient sacred sites

I am writing this book, adapted from texts I have written before, which follows quite close to how our current guided tours and retreat flow.

Claire and I, on our performance tours, have met so many people seeking their Celtic Story, not just out of interest, but as a journey to fulfill gaps in their lives or following a calling to take their lives to another place that we may call Celtica

“Finding Your Celtic Story” is a book for all these people with a Celtic and even Shaman calling. The book also invites the reader to take further steps through advancing their calling into way of sharing with others by releasing the bard within.

“Finding Your Celtic Story – from the land and its ancient sacred sites” has a content of 60 chapters, plus an intro and resources pages

  • Intro

  • Searching for Your Celtic Story

  • The Myths of Pagans

  • The Myths of Celtic Christianity

  • The Lost Years Of Jesus

  • Crossing The Veil Into Your Dreamtime

  • Angel Rays

  • Discovering Your Feminine Celtic Story

  • Discovering Your Masculine Celtic Story

  • Taking A Vacation to Find Your Celtic Story

  • Unity with The Land

  • When The Land Becomes Sacred

  • Our Precious Cailleachs

  • The Shaman’s Salmon Journey

  • The Deravid’s Journey

  • The Ovate’s Journey

  • The Bard’s Journey

  • The Healer’s Hearth

  • Sound Assent and Harmony

  • Morrigan the Morrigu

  • Bhride the Brigid

  • Making Brigid Crosses

  • We Are All Changelings

  • Fire

  • Water

  • The Labyrinth Journey

  • The Salley Sanctuary

  • The Weaving Trinity

  • The Four Paths To Wholeness

  •    with the sword

  •    with the stone

  •    with the sickle

  •    with the cauldron

  • The Medicine Wheel

  • Cultivating Our Tree Wisdom 

  • Ogma’s Language of Ogham

  • The Scribes Wrote and The World Changed

  • Dean Cecht’s Well of Life or Death?

  • Airmed, the Daughter of Herbs

  • The Historical Way Today

  • Lough Key

  • Boyle Town

  • Ballaghboy Lodge of the Curlews

  • Carrowkeel, A Map Of Alignments 

  • Donkeys of the Sathya Sai

  • Ceis Coarann, Ireland’s Sacred Mountain?

  • Ballymote Town

  • The Fiery Lough Arrow

  • Moytura Past

  • Characters of Moytura Myth

  • The Timeless Moytura Battle

  • Moytura Now

  • Unity with The Goddess

  • Lasir’s Well Of Vision

  • The Harp That Once

  • The Journey of Turlough O’Carolan

  • Sidhe Beg, Sidhe Mor

  • How to Share Your Celtic Story

  • How to Celebrate Imbolc (Brigid’s Day)

  • How to Celebrate Samean (Beltaine)

  • How to Celebrate Lunasa (Lammas)

  • How to Celebrate Samhain (Hallows Day)

  • Why Everyone Is A Bard

  • Our Celtic Bard School

  • How Being A Bard Could Become Your Profession

  • Resources, Maps for Your Journey

“Finding Your Celtic Story – from the land and its sacred places”
is an overall personal journal mapping workbook.

This book will take you from your homes to Ireland, and a touch of Gael Scotland, to experience enough to ignite your inspirations. I hope this book will provide insights into how ignite the divine womb and goddess within women and fuel the courage, passion and focus within men. For all people I trust this book will inspire the release the bard flow within anyone.

Future books, workshop and retreats from our Celtic Bards School will invite. readers of this book to take their journey into the deeper spirits of the subjects covered here.

Book coverThank you for supporting “Finding Your Celtic Story” 

A comprehensive introduction to the Celtic Story and Bardic Ways based on traditions of North West Ireland and some from Isles of Scotland. This book can also serve well as a sole tool for leading into valuable and new abundant journeys for many of its readers.

I look forward to sharing more with you when you visit and explore Ireland.

Meanwhile, may I request your support through an advance subscription to my book, ”Finding Your Celtic Story – through the land and its sacred sites”

When published the retail price will be €20, with an early buyer’s limited time discount of €15.

Meanwhile for a pre-published price of only €10

I will provide you with

  • an exclusive subscription to updates as they are created,

  • including audio and video clips

  • behind the scenes information

  • €20 deduction if you spend 3 or more days on one of our tours and retreats, if you also stay at least 3 nights in Ballaghboy Lodge

  • plus a final full print pressing when published for Samhain, November, this year 2009

  • plus shipping to any part of the world included.

You can subscribe to my purely cost covering €10 pre-publish offer here  


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