Our Time Of Plotting 2009

Christmas day gatherings and sharing over, leftovers sandwiches getting thinner and beginning thoughts about Hogmanay, or more about beyond Hogmanay.

A time of plots, plans and a shift to focus on our lives, goals and self improvement.

“Where’s our career going, how many pounds will I lose, how will I be better towards others” etc.

“Where am I going on vacation” is also a hot topic and I do find that before Christmas day dinner plates are in the sink or dishwasher the emails come in investigating what we are offering from Celtic Ways in Ireland through 2009.

So here’s a quickie round up of what we are planning that you could join us with.


Lots of work on our Labyrinth Garden to level the path with the intent of making it walkable barefoot, along with other landscaping work including a water feature.

At our Two Worlds Theatre on January 6th is the first of our regular Meet Up Gatherings, this one on Energy Healing.

We aim to launch Two Worlds Radio as part of our Keash TV broadcasting collection

Various inquiries in for 1, 2 and 3 day local guided tours by couples and families so please add to these as we are available and January is often a nice month to be in Ireland.

We will also be developing and rehearsing our “Birth Of Bhride” workshop for various dates at our Two Worlds Theatre and on tour through this year


The big day is February 3rd . The actual time of Imbolc/Brigid’s moment will be 5:17 pm on February 3rd at where we live at Carrowcrory. We will celebrate the sunrise and sunset on that day. Hopefully, our labyrinth will be sharing the earliest of its spring flowers. Please come along and share this with us.

Our first Live online Videocast concert or show will be broadcasted on that day.

Either late January or early February will be the launch of our local weekly social networking classes to help people make the most of blogging and social media services to share and expand their interests and businesses.

Again, various inquiries in for 1, 2 and 3 day local guided tours by couples and families so please add to these as we are available and February is also often a nice month to be in Ireland.


Our next USA performance tour, Claire Roche and myself, with dates currently looking like this …

11th St. Augustine FL

12th near Orlando FL

14th New Orleans

15th Birmingham AL

17th Asheville NC

18th Waynesville NC

19th Nashville TN

21st Urbana IL

22nd Kansas City

23rd Colorado Springs CO

26th Denver CO

27th Omaha NE

29th near Madison WS

Hope we’ll see you there


Big event this month is a “Harps Around Ireland” tour and I will post details of this asap


The major tour of this month is a “Visualisation and Creative Writing in Ireland” guided tour around Beltaine, with details to be posted asap

End of May is a bard and storytelling tour with Robin Williamson that flows into June


Major tour of the month is a “Tree Craft and Spirit” tour early in the month and “Geomancy In Ireland” tour later in the month


Feature tour of the month is “Living Landscapes with Living Food” providing an embracing of Ireland’s nature and nature spirit in both its sacred landscapes and the food about to become abundant from it.


Our epic tour of the year. “Dara and Dove” tour travelling through Ireland and Scotland following paths of Brighid and Columcille and the traditions they shared that are valuable for us today. This will be a three week tour but you can join us for part of it.


USA/Canada tour. No firm dates yet, but we are aiming for Calgary and Vancouver, Canada, Washington State, Oregon and finishing in San Francisco.


Our big event will be “Spiritual Director’s Conference” in Dublin which will feature our full Birth Of Bhride workshop


A major Samhain Gathering guaranteed


Solstice and Yule joy, of course and plotting for 2010, especially with Japan in Spring coming up then.



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